HFC Admins

We are Brendan and Susan Bowman and have homeschooled our daughter, Tori, since she was in 5th grade. We began organizing fieldtrips when we wanted to take Tori on her first homeschool “fieldtrip” and learned by taking a few friends with us, everyone would save a little bit of money. We found a few families who told their friends who told their friends and several years later, we continue to meet new friends and attend events together.

Tori had some unique struggles early in life that caused learning and other developmental delays. She has “technically” finished school, but continues to work on a few gaps while easing into the next chapter of life. When she attended public school she only experienced a few fieldtrips, so you will find her enjoying events for all ages. She is:

  • an avid reader, enjoys golf and hanging out with friends;
  • active in acting/modeling and strives to be a role model and mentor to others, especially young children with struggles
  • actively building a following for her babysitting/ house-sitting/pet-sitting business; (FB Tori Kids & Pet Sitting);
  • very active in our church, young adult/student ministries, volunteers with programs/camps for children (including special needs children);
  • helps with check-in and other responsibilities for HFC fieldtrips and is learning how to organize and manage the group

In addition to voluntarily running HFC, our family:

  • owns a private business providing business management/ accounting to outpatient specialized therapy clinics for children with special needs
  • provides lab management for a large, global manufacturing company
  • serve as primary caregivers (now live-in) for Susan’s aging mother who is overall healthy but has residual issues from being hit by a drunk driver